The institute of intelligent robot is belonged to the school of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangsu University. The first discipline of mechanical engineering has the power of doctor's degree, and has a postdoctoral research station of mechanical engineering. The discipline of mechanical design and theory is the key discipline of Jiangsu province. The institute has the advantages of mechanical, electronic, automatic control, computer, etc. The industrial center of the laboratory is the construction unit of the national experimental teaching demonstration center. It has various new multi-functional test instruments, advanced processing center, advanced computer workstation and large engineering software. The institute mainly engaged in the teaching and scientific research work of mechanical principle and design, mechanical optimization design, mechanical system design, mechanical CAD and CAM, mechanism analysis and synthesis, super-mechanisms and robotic mechanisms.
Main Directions
1. Theoretical study about mechanism creative design of serial-parallel robots
2. The application study about mechanism of serial-parallel robots
3. Intelligent materials and application, reliability engineering, etc.
4. Machine vision and the skill of image processing
5. Control technology of multi-dimensional vibration
Honors and Awards
1. The Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards of Automobile Industry, 2005.11
2. The Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards of Zhenjiang City, 2005.12
3. The Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards of China Machinery Industry, 2004.12
4. The Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards of Zhenjiang City, 2004.12
5. The Second prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Awards of Shandong Education Department, 2009.01
6. The Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards of Zibo City, 2009.02
7. The Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards of Zhenjiang City, 2016.12
Main Research Projects
1. Dynamics of the discrete particles and study on the multidimensional sieving machine of the living maggots and livestock manure (NSFC,51675239)
2. Chinese medical massage robot (“863” Program, 2010AA040201)
3. Study on the system design theory of the parallel vibration absorber seats (Postdoctoral Funds of Jiangsu Province,0901010B)
4. Study on the design and control of the parallel vibration actuator with high-frequency based on the compliant joints (NSFC,50905077)
5. Study on the system design theory of the parallel vibration actuator with high-frequency(SRFDP, 20093227120007)
6. The reliability structure design and manufacturing process of super large numerical control shear equipment,( Major project of science and technology support (industry) of Jiangsu province,BE2013009-1)
7. Research and industrialization of the cold temperature composite forging line of hollow thin wall with laser strengthening technology,(Achievements transformation special fund of Jiangsu scientific and technological,BA2014145)
8. Research and development of efficient flexible integrated processing center and intelligent manufacturing platform, (The competition project of Industry foresight and common key technology of Jiangsu province,BE2017110)
9. The high speed visual online detection system of defect of electrical connector with high density, (Project of prospective joint research of Jiangsu province,BY2014123-05)
10. Research and industrialization of new mud pump with high pressure multi-cylinder,(Project of technology (industry) support of Zhenjiang city,GY2014053)
11. Study on the active design of anti-deformation of dual film and the transmission mechanism of liquid viscose by laser micro-modelling,(NSFC, 51575245)
12. Research on the platform of traditional Chinese massage robot for the elderly, ("863" Program,2008AA040205)
13. Research on key technology of tree picking robot manipulator, (Sub-item of "863" Program, 2006AA10Z254-1)
Main Achievements
More than 80research papers, including more than 40 EI papers.
More than 20 patents authorized for invention.

Apple picks robots Chinese medical massage robot