Tobroaden the horizons, 29 overseas students(including 7 Ph.D, 5 Master,17 undergraduate students ) come from school of mechanical engineering (SME) went to visitBAICmotor(Zhenjiang ) company on November 4.The dean of SME, Pro. Naifei Ren, the associate dean, Prof. Zhenying Xu, the teacherrepresentative , associate Pro. Yuchun Zhao and the international secretaryTingzhuo Chenparticipated in the practical activities.
XianzhongWei,the human resources minister of BAIC motor (Zhenjiang)companyreceived all the visitors in person, he also arranged the specialized staffto introduce the visit in English .They visited the vehicle production lines of flagship models SUV BJ20, including stamping, welding and assembly workshops. Overseas students were very interested in what they saw and heard during the visit, especially the robot body design, engine, automatic control and so on. They also discussed with staff from time to time. After visiting for an hour, overseas students watched the film ofBAIC motor (Zhenjiang)company in order tohave a more in-depth understanding of this company.
This activity was the first time for SME toorganize overseas students to visit of the company in large scale since enrollingoverseas students.It was beneficial for overseas students to broaden the horizons, study from book to practice, have in-depth understanding of the field of mechanical engineering.

In the future, SME will explore more practice bases for overseas students using the advantage of the industry university research collaboration platform in order to serve the training of overseas students majoring in mechanical engineering.