On Oct.30th to Nov.2nd, two graduate students of professor Zhen-ying XU from Instrument Science and Technology in School of Mechanical Engineering attended the 2015 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA 2015) in spring-city Jinan, China, which is sponsored by Shandong University, and organized by CSTAM, ASC and IEEE UFFCs.
The SPAWDA 2015 is a high-level international forum to present and discuss recent advances, new techniques and applications in the field of piezoelectric materials, acoustic waves and piezoelectric devices etc, It is aimed to promote the communication between Universities/Institutes and Companies, and strengthen the close industry-university-research cooperation. Nine well-known experts from China, USA, Canada, Japan and Russia have presented plenary talks to the conference and won the high acclaim.
Hundreds of academic papers have been received at this congress from domestic and international universities and laboratories. Six conference sessions were divided to display and discuss researches according to different topics. Our two graduate students Hui-fang YU and Hong HONG also made oral presentation respectively at the guidance of professor Zhen-ying XU on the paper “Effect of Joint Geometry Parameters on Ultrasonic Weld-guided Modes in Thick Steel Plates” and “A Piezoelectric Transducer for Weld Defect Detection Based on First-order Shear Horizontal (SH1) Mode”. These two papers will be involved in the conference proceedings, and will be included in the IEEE Xplore database and EI-indexed.