On April 24th, at the invitation of the School of Mechanical Engineering of our school, Associate Professor Sun Xiaofeng of the PLA Armor Academy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army made an academic report entitled “Research and Application of Typical Equipment Maintenance and Battlefield Repair Technology” in the lecture hall on the seventh floor of the School of Mechanical Engineering. The report was chaired by Prof. Ren Xudong, Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, and more than one hundred teachers and students participated in the report meeting.
Associate Professor Sun Xiaofeng introduced in detail the research and application of typical equipment maintenance and battlefield repair techniques. Focusing on weapon equipment surface wear, corrosion, fatigue, and other damage repair problems, the company has conducted research and application of precision pulse helium, cold spray, antiseptic and anti-fouling, and pre-pressure rolling intensification technologies to achieve efficient repair of surface damage of various equipment components. In order to solve the problem of rapid repair of light material damage in weapons and equipment, and to meet the urgent need for advanced preparation methods for military struggle, microwave heating technology was introduced into the field of composite repair. The microwave rapid repair technology integrated with on-site preparation and rapid prototyping of composite materials was first proposed. A microwave-external heating device was developed, and a polymer-based composite material with excellent microwave-curing performance was developed, achieving a higher repair efficiency than conventional hot-repair methods. More than 10 times, the static strength recovery rate exceeds 90%, the fatigue resistance is improved by more than 2 times, and it has good pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, oil resistance and other properties. It solves the problem of rapid repair of equipment damage caused by lightweight materials. This report will provide a new way for the college teachers and students to carry out scientific research.

Sun Xiaofeng, associate professor of PLA Armoured Soldiers College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, member of the Surface Engineering Branch of the China Mechanical Engineering Society and deputy chairman of the Qingjiang Working Committee. He has presided over more than 30 items such as pre-research projects for weaponry and equipment, key fund projects, and military research projects, and published more than 60 academic papers. Applied for more than 20 invention patents, authorized more than 10 items. He has won 4 second-class military science and technology progress awards and 3 third-class awards. Editor of a monograph.