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Professor Sun Chaoyang of Beijing University of Science and Technology was invited to give lectures in our school

Time: 2018年04月16日 14:56 News source : Browsing number:

On the afternoon of April 13, at the invitation of our institute, Prof. Sun Chaoyang from Beijing University of Science and Technology gave an academic report titled “Research and Application of Several Typical Metals Plastic Deformation Mechanical Behaviors” in the conference room on the fourth floor of Mechanical Engineering College. The report was chaired by Prof. Ren Xudong, Dean of the Institute, and several professors from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Materials.


Prof. Sun Chaoyang proposed key issues such as solving the contradiction of strengthening and toughening and accurately predicting the mechanical properties of materials based on the requirements of lightweight, safety, and energy saving for steel used in automobiles, and conducted research on the mechanism of strengthening and plasticizing Twip steel. The problems of microstructure evolution in plastic deformation, the coupled plastic deformation behavior of typical metal microstructures, and the plastic constitutive behavior based on the coupling of phase transitions and slips are explored. Prof. Sun’s research on the plastic deformation behavior of metal materials is based on research background, theoretical analysis, mathematical modeling, and engineering applications. From shallow to deep and structured, the industry status and fields are expanded to be displayed in front of teachers and students. It provides ideas for future research and sets up a bridge for the integration of disciplines.

Professor Sun Chaoyang graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University and Tsinghua University respectively with a master's degree and a doctorate degree. In 2008, he went to the School of Mechanical Engineering of Beijing University of Science and Technology to engage in teaching and research work. Associate Professor 2011, Visiting Exchange at Imperial Engineering 2012 for one year. He has successively undertaken research projects on high-end CNC machine tools, national science and technology support programs, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Fund, Joint Fund, New Doctoral Fund for the Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Natural Fund Key Project, General Project, and Factory-Enterprise Cooperation. More than 10 items. It mainly focuses on the multi-scale mechanical behavior of advanced materials in the machining process, and focuses on the multi-field, multi-scale evolution and control techniques of the organization and performance. 2010 Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award (4th place). As a reviewer of the multi-scale coupled mechanical behavior of material processing, he served as a reviewer for J. of Mater. Pro. Tech, Plastic Engineering, and published more than 30 papers, among which SCI and EI searched more than twenty papers; invention patent 4 Item (1 item authorized), 6 reports in English at the international conference, participated in the translation of the international masterpiece "Finite Element Method: Basic Principles".


Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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