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Researcher Wang Liping of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was invited to give lectures in our school

Time: 2018年04月11日 14:56 News source : Browsing number:

On the morning of April 10th, at the invitation of the Institute, Professor Wang Liping of the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences gave an academic report titled "From Mechanical Tribology to New Marine Materials - Focus on Focus" in the lecture hall on the seventh floor. The report was hosted by Prof. Ren Xudong, Dean of the Institute, and more than one hundred teachers and students participated in the report meeting.


Professor Wang introduced in detail the research and development of toughened carbon-based films, damage mechanisms and protection technologies for marine materials, and graphene-based heavy-duty coatings. His team's research results have been applied to space turbine power systems, supersonic aircraft, and high-temperature air cooling. On the key components such as heaps and other extreme environments, a series of marine heavy-duty coatings and marine wear-resistant coatings designed and developed have also been successfully applied in marine engineering and offshore space equipment. After the report ended, teacher Wang also patiently answered questions from the teachers and students present. The teachers and students benefited greatly. This report will greatly expand the scientific thinking of teachers and students and broaden the academic vision of teachers and students.


Wang Liping is a research fellow at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a doctoral tutor, director of the Key Laboratory of Marine New Materials and Applied Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and director of the Key Laboratory of Marine Materials and Protection Technology of Zhejiang Province. In 2013, he was awarded with the National Outstanding Young Scientists Fund, the Top Young Talents Plan of the National Million People Project in 2015 and the Young Scientists Training Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2017, he was selected as the Major Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions. Honorary title. He has been engaged in theoretical and engineering application studies of multi-factor damages and surface life extensions in special environments, and has presided over more than 20 key projects such as the 973 project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the 863 project, and key national defense projects, and applied for 48 national invention patents. Among them, 30 have been authorized to form a core patent group covering this key technology, of which 22 have been successfully transferred. In collaboration with Xue Qunji, he published 2 monographs in Chinese, published 148 SCI papers (50 impact factors> 3 papers), and more than 2,800 references by SCI. The research results won the second prize for national technology invention in 2016 (ranked 1st), the 2017 National innovation scramble award, the 2017 China Academy of Corrosion and Protection Outstanding Youth Academic Award, the 2017 China Society of Mechanical Engineering Youth Technology Achievement Award and 2012 Annual Tribology Tribology Young Scholar Award.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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