The third national conference on nanostructure devices was held in Nanjing from Nov. 16 to 18, 2013. The seminar was hosted by Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology Nano Science and Technology Branch, supported by the National Standardization Technical Committee and the Nano Technology Nano Testing Technology Standardization Working Group, and jointly sponsored by Nanjing University, Institute of Semiconductors, National Center for Nanoscience. Over 130 experts and scholars, from Institute of Semiconductors, University of Science and Technology of China and Institute of Physics, attended the seminar. The associate professor, the director of Semiconductor Sensor Institude of our faculty, Quan Wang, along with his team members, attended the seminar.
During the conference, Academician Zhonglin Wang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Nano Energy, Professor Lianmao Peng from Beijing University and Professor Hongjie Dai from Stanford University presented their invited lectures on the topic of "piezoelectric electronics and piezoelectric optoelectronics", "the electronics after 2020: the opportunity and the challenge of the carbon-based electronics " and "carbon nanotube application in biological image and devices", respectively. The team of Wang, from our faculty had depth academic exchanges with the experts from the world. The conference, laiding a solid foundation on further academic exchange and cooperation, extended the academic vision of researchers from our university and improved their theoretical and application level on nanostructure.
The Semiconductor Sensor Technology Institute in School of Mechanical Engineering was founded in December, 2011. During the past two years we have obtained great achievements in silicon-based graphene devices and micro nanoelectronics. Four papers were published in the famous international journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. and J.A PPL. Phys, and one academic monograph was published. Besides, we have achieved the second prize of the National Scientific and Technological Progress item.