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In-depth Cooperation Between Jiangsu Teng Shi Mechanical & Electrical Co. Ltd and the School of Mechanical engineering

Time: 2015年04月05日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

In the afternoon of March 31, President Jing-shou Kong and his group, Jiangsu and Shenzhen Teng Shi Mechanical & Electrical Co. Ltd, visit the School of Mechanical engineering, Jiangsu University, to discuss cooperation. The relevant faculties coming from the department of mechanical manufacturing, mechanical & electrical, mechanical design, Measurement & Control and the school of automotive engineering, attend the discussion.

In where Dr. Yun Wang introduces the advantages of professional disciplines, talents and the producting, teaching and researching cooperation outcomes in the School of Mechanical engineering. In addition, President Jing-shou Kong also introduces their compony’s history and development, main products, technical and project colaboration requirements. Finally, both sides discuss about the talent education, the enterprise and university collaborative model, the construction of workstation of enterprise graduate students, project cooperation, etc. And some initial collaborative intents are reached on the reliability of pasting machine, vision positioning, double replacement platform and its control, and so on. All of that are expected to offer an opportunities to improve the engineering application capability of students and teachers as well as technical promotion of enterprises.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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