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Dr. Cheng returned from overseas

Time: 2015年04月10日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

Associate professor Guanggui Cheng, vice dean of the department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering studied in Tulane University in New Orleans(LA USA) as a visiting scholar from Feb 09, 2014 to Feb15, 2015, who was supported by the Jiangsu Government Scholarship for Overseas Studies.

Tulane University, founded in 1834, is one of the most highly regarded and selective independent research universities in the United States. She is a member of the prestigious Association of American. Dr. Cheng worked in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Tulane University. During his stay in Tulane, Guanggui Cheng has been working hard on his research on nano particles synthesis and tribology and presented his research in an international conferences (AIChE Annual meeting in Atlanta, GA). By attending the group meeting, professional courses etc. Dr. Cheng had a deep insight and an intuitive understanding about the mode of scientific research, methods of cultivating graduate students, characteristics of undergraduate course teaching. Besides, Dr Cheng has set up a friendly cooperation relationship with the lab, he promised to do his best to strengthen the international communication and cooperation, and meanwhile contribute to the development of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Jiangsu University.

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