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Teachers from Department of Instruments Attended the Science and Engineering International Major Certification Seminar Held in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Time: 2015年01月27日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

From 21st to 23rd, January, 2015, Pro.Li Boquan and Sun Zhiquan from Department of Instruments, School of mechanical Engineering attended the science and engineering international major certification seminar of chinese higher education held by University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and ASIIN. Vice principal Pro.Han from Berlin University, international affairs department project manager Dr.Georg and director Mrs Jana from ASIIN, dean Pro.Yang yongcai from School of Photoelectricity, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Pro.Zhang yiwen from College of Ningbo Engineering and etc gave 11 reports about the gnificance, analysis of standards, procedure, preparation and sharing experience of international major certification. Pro.Li Boquan and Sun Zhiquan had deeply realized the background and relationship among German ASIIN, American ABET and Chinese CEEAA, as well as basic requirements and operation procedure of major certification. This seminar will open up our horizons and train of thought, strengthen our international consciousness and will have acceerative impact on work of international major certification, revolution of education and improvement of teaching quality.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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