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2016 Excellent Scholarship Awarding ceremony

Time: 2016年12月14日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

In order to encourage outstanding overseas students and stimulate the enthusiasm of studying, 2016 excellent scholarship awarding ceremony of overseas students of School of Mechanical Engineering(SME) was held in lecture hall of SME on November 4th. The dean, Prof. Naifei Ren and other leaders, some professor representativesand all overseas students of SME attendedthis ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by the associate dean, Prof. Zhenying Xu.

Before the award, Pro. Ren, the Dean gave a speech to welcome all of the overseas students and expressed his congratulations to the outstanding students. Then he introduced School of Mechanical Engineering, including the history, the development, specialty setting and landmark achievements on teaching, scientific research, personnel training in the last five years. Finally, Pro. Renraised expectations to all overseas students, hope that during their studies, they can obey the school rules and regulations, love school and professional, strive to learn professional knowledge, become outstanding talents in the field of mechanical engineering in the future.

At last, all the leaders attended the ceremony gave awards to 2015-2016 excellent overseas students of SME, including 4 Ph.D, 1 master and 10 undergraduate students.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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