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Academic Report: Introduction to the Mechanical Manufacturing System

Time: 2016年06月12日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

Topic: Introduction to the Mechanical Manufacturing System

Presenter: Yuchun Zhao

Time: June 2, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Location: School of mechanical engineering, 7th floor lecture hall

Introduction about Yunpeng Ren: Dr. Zhao, obtained PhD from School of Aerospace, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, RMIT University in Australia, 2009. He won the “energy prize” issued by the Australia Institute of Energy in 2006. Dr. Zhao is the member of ISES and senor registered OCT member in Canada. He is also the academic reviewer of “International Journal of Solar Energy”, “International Journal of Desalination” and “International Journal of Thermal Engineering”. He posses 3 Chinese Invent Patents. His interests are solar heat applications and heat applications using pipes with different working fluids, such as solar power generation, heat exchanger using heat pipe. Dr. Zhao is now teaching two subjects “Engineering Materials and Their Processes”, “Engineering Materials and Fundamentals of Manufacturing” in Jiangsu University.

Main contents of presentation: Introduction to mechanical manufacturing system includes five main components, which are workpieces, tools, clamping (jig and fixture), machines and technique processes documents. The presenter will briefly talk about these five components based on a typical manufacturing process. During the lecture, he will ask some questions for the listeners to think, and also give some examples to explain practical applications of the system in auto manufacturing company. Finally, Dr. Zhao will summarizes the topic and provide insight of the future development.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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