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Academic Report: MEMS SENSOR

Time: 2016年05月07日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:


Speaker: Quan Wang

Time: May 5, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Location: School of mechanical engineering, 7th floor lecture hall

Speaker introduction: Quan Wang, professor in School of Mechanical Engineering.



Ø MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems); NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical Systems); Nanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators; development of micromachining processes by silicon surface/bulk micromachining; mechanical issues in MEMS thin film

Ø Graphene device, Two-dimensional Electronic Materials

Ø Novel device design and fabrication for sensor and electronic technologies

Lecture content: This talk presents a novel composite sensor that is monolithically integrated with an accelerometer, a pressure sensor, and a thermometer by using a single-side-processed micromachining technique. Such composite sensors are highly demanded in tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) applications. Based on heat convection, the accelerometer consists of a micro-heater and a pair of detector to measure the acceleration-induced temperature distribution change. Thermopile- and thermistor-based detectors both have been used to measure the temperature distribution change. In the on-chip integrated sensors, a low-stress silicon nitride thin film is used as the electric isolation layer, the pressure diaphragm, and the heating-insulating freestanding beams. The boron-doped polysilicon film is used as the piezoresistors, the heater, the thermopile, and the thermometer. After wafer level packaging with an aligned adhesive bonding technique, the 2.5 × 2.5 × 0.84 mm3 microsensor chips are promising for TPMS low-cost fabrication and volume applications.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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