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Aleksandar Part-time Honorary Professor Employed Ceremony & Academic Report Held in Jiangsu University

Time: 2016年03月22日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

On March 20, Aleksandar part-time honorary professor employed ceremony & academic report were held in third conference hall at Jiangsu University. Teachers and students from Department of Instrument Science and Engineering attended the ceremony. Professor Aleksandar Dogandžić was conferred as part-time honorary professor of Jiangsu University. Vice Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering Xudong Ren awarded the certificate and the school badge to Aleksandar.

Aleksandar Dogandžić is currently an associate professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering & CNDE, Iowa State University, USA. He has served on Editorial Boards of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks; IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and International Journal of Navigation and Observation. He received the 2003 Young Author Best Paper Award and 2004 Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award, both by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In 2006, he received the CAREER Award by the National Science Foundation. Also, He has served as a General Co-Chair of the Fourth and Fifth International Workshops on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) in 2011 and 2013 and a Technical Co-Chair of the 2014 and 2016 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) Workshops. He has long been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation CRC U/I project of the United States, and published more than 20 high level academic journal papers, and more than 50 international conference papers.

After the ceremony, Professor Aleksandar made a report titled ‘Projected Nesterov’s Proximal-Gradient Algorithm for Constrained Sparse Signal Reconstruction’. He also displayed their current research results of sparse sampling and reconstruction. Then he discussed with teachers and students. In the afternoon, Professor Shoupeng Song accompanied him to visit the Institute of NDT and made a deep communication with the research team members on the topic of signal sparse sampling and reconstruction in pipeline ultrasonic flaw detection. After the seminar, Professor Aleksandar visited the campus of Jiangsu University.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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