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Invited Academic Presentation Given by Dr. Zhu LIU from The University of Manchester, UK

Time: 2016年03月21日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

Dr. Zhu LIU from the UK, a Reader (Associate Professor) from The University of Manchester, was invited to give an academic presentation entitled ‘‘Excimer Laser Surface Engineering’’ at the School of Mechanical Engineering (SME), Jiangsu University. Prof. Jianzhong Zhou, SME Secretary of the CPC and Director of Institute for Laser Technology, welcomed Dr. Liu and chaired her presentation. More than 100 attendees (including Prof. Naifei Ren, Dean of the SME) from the SME and other Schools attended this seminar.

Dr. Liu’s presentation summarized her recent research in the understanding of excimer laser interactions with engineering materials and the applications for the modification of material surface properties. Dr. Liu described several basic technologies used, including laser surface modification for corrosion resistances, laser cleaning, laser abrading and laser texturing. During her presentation, two application cases were also given on the production of antibacterial surfaces and surface preparation on carbon fibre reinforced plastic composites (CFRP) for improved paint adhesion. Finally, Dr. Liu also answered the questions raised by the attendees. The attendees were impressed by Dr. Liu’s knowledgeable presentation and her academic seriousness.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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