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Students from School of Mechanical Engineering Won the Success in "Star Cup" Graduation Design Competition

Time: 2017年05月27日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

From May 19th to 20th ,2017, Under the guidance of the Higher Education Division of the Ministry of Education, the first China Machinery Industry Excellence in Engineers Education Alliance "Star Cup" graduation design final competition was held in Dalian University of Technology International Conference Center. This competition was hosted collaboratively by the China Mechanical Engineering Society and the China Machinery Industry Excellence Engineers Education Alliance, and organized by Dalian University of Technology and Liaoning Major Equipment Manufacturing Collaborative Innovation Center.

The competition is mainly for mechanical engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, mechanical and electrical engineering and other mechanical professional, including a total of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Dalian University of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other schools, including 53 Union University, a total of 248 graduation design works formally submitted to the competition. By 145 colleges and universities (enterprises) experts review and correspondence, and finally 102 outstanding works form 40 colleges and universities came to the final stage.

Jiangsu University submitted a total of six works and three of them pass the letter evaluation with the guidance of Teacher Zheng Gang, Zhang Bing and Cheng Guanggui. Students Wang Rui, Cui Rui, Huang Zaipin with their works won the "masterpiece award" after the fierce competition with the major students on the same stage. The competition not only strengthened our school and the domestic elite between the study and exchange, but also fully demonstrated the quality of our undergraduate education training, reflecting the outstanding engineers of our school training program and professional certification work to enhance the school's society influence.

"Star Cup" graduation design contest requires all entry topics combined with enterprise engineering practice, the purpose is to improve students' ability to solve engineering problems and innovative awareness. It is reported that the outstanding graduation design works of this competition will be set up as a casebook as the form of the promotion to the national colleges and universities, which has a guiding and exemplary effect.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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