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The National Project for Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements passsed the mid-term examination

Time: 2014年04月25日 00:00 News source : School of Mechanical Engineeri Browsing number:
On the afternoon of April 24, the interim inspection group composed of the China ordnance corporation and Changan Automobile co., LTD. inspected the Research, development and industrialization on the key technologies of the laser micro texture on surface of internal combustion engine parts with high efficiency, energy Saving and low friction, which is a Major national science and technology achievements transformation project held in Jiangsu University. There were seven members in the examination team. They were Qian Yixin, deputy director of Technology and the Informational department of CSGC(China South Industries Group Corporation)and the project manager Wang Baorui and Xie Shuwen, deputy chief engineer of Changan automobile technology department, and Li Jun, deputy directorp of technology and project management, Zhang Yunping, the head of process technology, Professor Wu Xiaonong, Vice-president of Jiangsu University and the members of the project Presented at the examinational meeting. The meeting was chaired by Wang Ruocheng, deputy director of the science Technology department.
The Inspection group refered to detailed information about the document, and visited the project team of laser micro processing laboratory, the internal combustion engine laboratory, automotive engineering research institute. After a comprehensive and in-depth investigation, the inspection group spoke highly of the project work. They thought the project was performed in an orderly way, with normative management and the achievements of the project was great. They hope we’ll expand the cooperation between Jiangsu University, CSGC and Changan Automobile co.,LTD .

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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