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Teachers and Students in School of Mechanical Engineering Attended the Fifth Forum on Applications of Lasers Manufacturing

Time: 2017年04月20日 00:00 News source : Browsing number:

In order to strengthen academic communication, share research results and experience and promote the wider and deeper application of the laser advanced manufacturing technology in China's manufacturing industry, the Special Processing Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society and the Chinese Optical Society Laser Processing Community held the Fifth Forum on Applications of Lasers Manufacturing in Beijing University of Technology on April 14, 2017. Nearly 200 representatives from Manchester University, Rochester University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Nanjing Airlines Aerospace University, Han's Laser Intelligent Equipment Group, BOSPhotonics Corporation, IPG (Beijing) Fiber Laser Technology Co., Ltd. and other universities and companies attended the meeting. From our university, Professor Zhou Jianzhong, Professor Liu Huixia, Professor Lu Jinzhong, Professor Wang Xiao, Associate Professor Ren Yunpeng, Prof. Huang Shu, and some doctors and masters of laser technology study attended the meeting. The director of the laser technology Institute, Professor Zhou Jianzhong, was invited to be the Vice Chairman of the conference and presided over the special reports of certain meetings.

At the meeting, Professor Zhou Jianzhong made a report about the theme of "Research and Expectation of Laser Warm Shot Blasting Processing Technology". The technology was introduced systemically from its theory, numerical simulation and experimental application. The results showed the progress researchers had made in terms of its function of anti-fatigue and vibration performance for the aviation structure based on the temperature effect. This progress not only won the praise of peers, attracted great attention of the participants, but also received the invitation of the National Defense Industry Press after meeting. Masters Wang Zuowei and Sun Yunjie represent the group exchange reports "laser shot blasting enhanced IN718 nickel-based alloy high temperature fatigue life prediction model" and "laser shot blasting medical Ti6Al4V alloy corrosion resistance performance", which were considered as the excellent reports of the conference. The theme of this conference is the innovative development of laser advanced manufacturing technology and its application in high-end equipment. The advanced manufacturing technology and its industrial application of the latest achievements are exhibited under four subjects: laser microfabrication technology, laser surface modification technology, laser booster manufacturing technology and laser welding and application technology. Experts and representatives discussed heatedly in terms of topics like the femtosecond laser processing and nano-device connection, high-power laser processing equipment and technology, and the status quo and challenges of the laser processing technology. The active participation of teachers and students in our school has been highly praised by the organizers. This conference enhanced the communication of experts in laser processing both at home and abroad and achieved good academic and social effects.

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China

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