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Mingyang CHEN

Time: 2017-05-12 News source : Browsing number:

Name : Ming-Yang Chen

Ph.D, Professor;

Address : Room B511School of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: (86)511-88785003


E-mail: mychen@ujs.edu.cn, miniyoung@163.com


1998-2004Ph.D, Electronic Engineering, Yanshan University, China

1994-1998B.Eng., Electronic Engineering, Yanshan University, China

Professional Experience

2014- Professor, Jiangsu University, China

2014-2015Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong

2007-2014 Associate professor,Jiangsu University, China

2006-2007Lecture ,Jiangsu University, China

2004-2006 Lecture, Tianjin Polytechnic University, China

Social academic post

Member of Optical Society of America

Senior member of Optical Society of China

Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Research interests

1. Design and applications of optical fibers for FTTH and MAN applications. The research works will focus on the design of optical fibers with special optical characteristics such as low bending loss, large mode area, etc. The aim is providing optical fibers with easy handling and suitable for large capacity information transmission to meet the expanding capacity requirement.

2. Optical waveguide for the next generation communication system applications.The research interest includes the design of few-mode optical fiber and optical waveguide devices for mode division transmission systems. The devices includes mode multiplexer/demultiplexer, mode converters and mode filters, etc. Especially, optical fiber devices based on long-period grating have been investigated numerically and experimentally.

Teaching Courses

1.Design of Optical waveguides, undergraduate course

2.Design of optoelectronic devices, undergraduate course

3.Analysis and Simulation of Optical Waveguides, postgraduate course

4.Microstructured optical fiber:Principle and Application, postgraduate course

Honors and Awards

1. The second prize Science and Technology Awards of Jiangxi Province, 2016

2. Recognized as an Excellent teacher in Jiangsu University, 2012

3.Supported by Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province, a project supporting excellent talents in Jiangsu Province, China, 2010

Main Research Projects

1. Research on single-mode optical fibers with low-bending loss, Enterprise cooperation project, 2015-2016

2. Research on ultra-low bending loss optical fibers for Power Fiber To The Home (PFTTH) applications, Enterprise cooperation project, 2012-2013

3. Transmission characteristics of microstructured core optical fiber, National Postdoctoral Foundation, 2009-2012

4. Research on the large-mode area optical fiber with a microstructured cladding for high-power fiber laser application, National Science Foundation of China, 2010-2012

Main Scientific Publications

1. J. Wei, M.-Y. Chen, Q. Xiang, and R. Huang, "Design of a mode-field converter based on a two-core optical fiber with a long-period fiber grating," Optical Engineering 55, 066110-066110 (2016). Abstract

2. M.-Y. Chen, J. Wei, Y. Sheng, and N.-F. Ren, "Design and optimization of fundamental mode filters based on long-period fiber gratings," Opt. Fiber Technol. 30, 89-94 (2016)Abstract

3. M.-Y. Chen and K. S. Chiang, "Mode-Selective Characteristics of an Optical Fiber With a High-Index Core and a Photonic Bandgap Cladding," Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 22, 1-7 (2016).Abstract

4. B. Sun, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, and J. Zhou, "Polarization-dependent coupling characteristics of metal-wire filled dual-core photonic crystal fiber," Optical and Quantum Electronics 47, 441-451 (2015) Abstract

5. N.-F. Ren, B. Sun, and M.-Y. Chen, "Label-free optical biosensor based on a dual-core microstructured polymer optical fiber," Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 126, 2930-2933 (2015) Abstract

6. M.-Y. Chen, J. Wei, L.-J. Chang, Y. Sheng, and N.-F. Ren, "Mode characteristics of few-mode optical fibers with assistant cores," Optical Engineering 54, 106107-106107 (2015). Abstract

7. Y.-F. Zhu, M.-Y. Chen, H. Wang, Y.-K. Zhang, and J.-C. Yang, "A low transmission loss THz polarization splitter based on dual-core optical fiber," Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 12, 184-188 (2014). Abstract

8. Y. Zhu, M.-Y. Chen, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, and J. Yang, "Design of a Surface-Plasmon-Resonance Sensor Based on a Microstructured Optical Fiber with Annular-Shaped Holes," Plasma Science and Technology 16, 867 (2014) Abstract

9. M.-Y. Chen and J. Zhou, "Design of add-drop multiplexer based on multi-core optical fibers for mode-division multiplexing," Optics Express 22, 1440-1451 (2014)Abstract

10. M.-Y. Chen, T.-Y. Gong, Y.-F. Gao, and J. Zhou, "Design of single-mode large-mode area bandgap fibre with microstructured-core," Optics Communications 330, 117-121 (2014). Abstract

11. M.-Y. Chen, Y.-R. Li, J. Zhou, and Y.-K. Zhang, "Design of Asymmetric Large-mode Area Optical Fiber With Low-bending Loss," Journal of Lightwave Technology31, 476-481 (2013).Abstract

12. Y. F. Zhu, M. Y. Chen, H. Wang, H. B. Yao, Y. K. Zhang, and J. C. Yang. Design and Analysis of a Low-Loss Suspended Core Terahertz Fiber and Its Application to Polarization Splitter. IEEE Photonics Journal,2013, 5(6): 7101410Abstract

13. Y. Zhang, M. Y. Chen, J. Zhou, and Y. K. Zhang, "Investigation on large-mode-area flat-topped optical fiber with microstructured core and its transmissioncharacteristics", Acta Physica Sinica, 62, 174211 (2013) (in Chinese)

14. H. Wang, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-F. Zhu, Z.-M. Cai, L.-M. Li, K. Chen, J. Chen, L. Chen, and J.-H. Yang, "Few-mode step-index optical fibers with ultra-low bending losses," Journal of Russian Laser Research, 1-5 (2013).Abstract

15. H. Wang, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-F. Zhu, Z.-M. Cai, L.-M. Li, K. Chen, J. Chen, L. Chen, and J.-H. Yang, "Design of few-mode microstructured optical fibers with low bending loss," Optical Engineering52, 086106-086106 (2013). Abstract

16. B. Sun, M.-Y. Chen, J. Zhou, and Y.-K. Zhang, "Surface Plasmon Induced Polarization Splitting Based on Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber with Metal Wire," Plasmonics 8, 1253-1258 (2013).Abstract

17. B. Sun, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, and J. Zhou, "An ultracompact hybrid plasmonic waveguide polarization beam splitter," Applied Physics B, 1-5 (2013).Abstract

18. B. Sun, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, and J.-C. Yang, "Design of refractive index sensors based on the wavelength-selective resonant coupling phenomenon in dual-core photonic crystal fibers," Journal of Biomedical Optics 17, 037002-037006 (2012).Abstract

19. B. Sun, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, J.-C. Yang, J.-Q. Yao, and H.-X. Cui, "Microstructured-core photonic-crystal fiber for ultra-sensitive refractive index sensing," Optics Express 19, 4091-4100 (2011).Abstract

20. M.-Y. Chen and Y.-K. Zhang, "Design and analysis of multi-ring microstructured-core optical fibers," Optics Communications 284, 5688-5691 (2011).Abstract

21. M.-Y. Chen, Y.-R. Li, Y. Zhang, Y.-F. Zhu, Y.-K. Zhang, and J. Zhou, "Design of dual-mode optical fibres for the FTTH applications," Journal of Optics 13, 015402 (2011). Abstract

22. M.-Y. Chen, X.-X. Fu, and Y.-K. Zhang, "Design and analysis of a low-loss terahertz directional coupler based on three-core photonic crystal fibre configuration," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 405104 (2011). Abstract

23. M. Y. Chen and Y. K. Zhang, "Bend Insensitive Design of Large-Mode-Area Microstructured Optical Fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology 29, 2216-2222 (2011). Abstract

24. M. Y. Chen, Y. K. Zhang, B. Sun, and X. X. Fu, "Design and Analysis of Single-Mode Polymer Segment Cladding Optical Fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology 28, 3250-3257 (2010). Abstract

25. M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, X.-X. Fu, B. Sun, and J. Zhou, "Proposal and design of sectorial cladding optical fibre for large-mode-area, single-mode operation," Journal of Optics 12, 055403 (2010).Abstract

26. M.-Y. Chen, B. Sun, Y.-K. Zhang, Y.-Q. Tong, and J. Zhou, "Design of all-solid large-mode area microstructured-core optical fibers," Optics Communications 283, 3153-3157 (2010). Abstract

27. M.-Y. Chen, B. Sun, Y.-K. Zhang, and X.-X. Fu, "Design of broadband polarization splitter based on partial coupling in square-lattice photonic-crystal fiber," Applied Optics49, 3042-3048 (2010).Abstract

28. M.-Y. Chen, B. Sun, and Y.-K. Zhang, "Broadband Single-Polarization Operation in Square-Lattice Photonic Crystal Fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology 28, 1443-1446 (2010). Abstract

29. M.-Y. Chen, J. Zhou, and E. Pun, "A novel WDM component based on a three-core photonic crystal fiber," Journal of Lightwave Technology 27, 2343-2347 (2009). Abstract

30. M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, J. Zhou, and E. Y. B. Pun, "Coupling characteristics of three-core photonic crystal fiber couplers," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics11, 015102(015104pp) (2009).Abstract

31. M.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, and R.-J. Yu, "Wavelength-selective coupling of dual-core photonic crystal fiber and its application," Chinese Optics Letters 7, 390-392 (2009).Abstract

32. M. -Y. Chen, Y.-K. Zhang, Y. -F. Zhu, Y. -Q. Tong, and J. Zhou, "Broadband directional coupler based on asymmetric dual-core photonic crystal fiber," Chinese Journal of Lasers 36, 635-639 (2009).

33. M.-Y. Chen and J. Zhou, "Mode converter based on mode coupling in an asymmetric dual-core photonic crystal fibre," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 10, 115304 (115304pp) (2008).Abstract

34. M.-Y. Chen and Y.-K. Zhang, "Improved design of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fibers," Optics Letters 33, 2542- 2544 (2008). Abstract

35. M.-Y. Chen, "Polarization-maintaining large-mode-area microstructured-core optical fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology 26, 1862-1867 (2008). Abstract

36. M. Y. Chen, R. J. Yu, and J. Zhou, "Polarization and leakage properties of rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres with doped cores," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9, 577-580 (2007). Abstract

37. M. Y. Chen, "Polarization-maintaining large-mode-area photonic crystal fibres with solid microstructured cores," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9, 868-871 (2007). Abstract

38. M.-Y. Chen, "Polarization and leakage properties of large-mode-area microstructured-core optical fibers," Optics Express 15, 12498-12507 (2007). Abstract

39. M.-Y. Chen and J. Zhou, "Polarization-independent splitter based on all-solid silica-based photonic-crystal fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 5082-5086 (2006). Abstract

40. M.-Y. Chen, R.-J. Yu, Z.-G. Tian, and X.-Z. Bai, "Optical and mechanical properties of hollow-core fibers with cobweb cladding structure," Chinese Optics Letters 4, 63-65 (2006).

41. M.-Y. Chen and R.-J. Yu, "Design of defect-core in highly birefringent photonic crystal fibers with anisotropic claddings," Optics Communications 258, 164-169 (2006). Abstract

42. M.-Y. Chen, "All-solid silica-based photonic crystal fibers," Optics Communications 266, 151-158 (2006). Abstract

43. R.-J. Yu, B. Zhang, M.-Y. Chen, L. Huo, Z.-G. Tian, and X.-Z. Bai, "A new solution of reducing polymer optical fiber losses," Optics Communications 266, 536-540 (2006).

44. L. Huo, R. J. Yu, B. Zhang, M. Y. Chen, and B. X. Li, "Design guideline of hollow-core fibres with cobweb cladding structure," Chinese Physics Letters23, 2121-2124 (2006)

45. M.-Y. Chen, R.-J. Yu, and A.-P. Zhao, "Confinement losses and optimization in rectangular-lattice photonic-crystal fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology 23, 2707-2712 (2005). Abstract

46. T.-S. Guan, M.-Y. Chen, Z.-L. Zhang, and R.-J. Yu, "Numerical simulation and analysis of losses in air-core plastic photonic bandgap fibers," Chinese Optics Letters 3, 313-315 (2005)

47. M.-Y. Chen, R.-J. Yu, and A.-P. Zhao, "Highly birefringent rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 6, 997-1000 (2004). Abstract

48. M.-Y. Chen and R.-J. Yu, "Polarization properties of elliptical-hole rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 6, 512-515 (2004). Abstract

49. M.-Y. Chen and R.-J. Yu, "Coupling characteristics of dual-core rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 6, 805-808 (2004). Abstract

50. M.-Y. Chen and R.-J. Yu, "Analysis of photonic bandgaps in modified honeycomb structures," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16, 819-821 (2004). Abstract

51. M.-Y. Chen and R. J. Yu, "Square-structured photonic bandgap fibers," Optics Communications 235, 63-67 (2004). Abstract

52. M. Y. Chen, R. J. Yu, and A. P. Zhao, "Polarization properties of rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibers," Optics Communications 241, 365-370 (2004). Abstract


1. Ming-Yang Chen, Few-mode optical fibers, US patent No. US9348086B2, May, 2016.

2. Ming-Yang Chen, Tian-Yi Gong, Yong-Kang Zhang, Lu Ju, A low-bending loss optical fiber, Chinese patent No.ZL201310692614.6, Dec., 2015.

3. Ming-Yang Chen, Yu-Rong Li, Yong-Kang Zhang, Multi-ring microstructured-core optical fibers, Chinese patent No. ZL201210582476.1,Aug., 2015.

4. Ming-Yang Chen, Yan-Qun Tong, Yin Zhang, Yu-Rong Li, et al, A low-bending loss optical fiber, Chinese patent No. ZL201010589018.1, Oct., 2013.

Plan for Overseas Master & Ph. D

One Master candidate, One Ph. D candidate

School of Mechanical Engineering Jiangsu University, Copy Rights ©2014-2018 All Rights
Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China 212013