陈浩 博士/特聘教授/博士生导师
爱荷华州立大学 博士
江苏常州人。2011年获哈尔滨工业大学焊接技术与工程专业学士学位、2014年获得中国科学院力学研究所固体力学硕士学位、2018年12月获得爱荷华州立大学工程力学博士学位。2019年6月19号至2023年5月华东理工大学机械学院,特聘副研究员。2023年7月至今 江苏大学 机械学院特聘教授。
在国内外学术期刊发表SCI学术论文40余篇,SCI他引600余次。其中Nature子刊一篇,Physcial Review Letters两篇,一区论文共16篇。
1. 磨削超精密加工工艺;
2. 第三代半导体芯片可靠性分析;
3. 基于机器学习的超精密加工精度分析;
[1] Chen H, Levitas VI, Popov D, Velisavljevic N. Nontrivial nanostructure, stress relaxation mechanisms, and crystallography for pressure-induced Si-I→ Si-II phase transformation. Nature Communications. 2022 Feb 21;13(1):982.
[2] Chen H, Zarkevich NA, Levitas VI, Johnson DD, Zhang X. Fifth-degree elastic energy for predictive continuum stress–strain relations and elastic instabilities under large strain and complex loading in silicon. NPJ Computational Materials. 2020 Aug 4;6(1):115.
[3]N. A. Zarkevich, H. Chen*, V. I. Levitas, D. D. Johnson, Lattice instability during solid-solid structural transformations under a general applied stress tensor: Example of Si I→Si II with metallization, Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 165701.
[4]V.I.Levitas, H.Chen*, L.Xiong, Triaxial-stress-induced homogeneous hysteresis-free first-order phase transformations with stable intermediate phases, Physical review letters 118 (2017) 025701.
[5]H.Chen, S.Chen, The fracture behaviors of carbon nanotube and nano-scroll reinforced silicon matrix composites, Carbon 67 (2014) 344-351.
[6] Chen H, Levitas VI, Xiong L, Zhang X. Stationary dislocation motion at stresses significantly below the Peierls stress: Example of shuffle screw and 60∘ dislocations in silicon. Acta Materialia. 2021 Mar 1;206:116623.
[7] Chen H, Levitas VI, Xiong L. Amorphization induced by 60 shuffle dislocation pileup against different grain boundaries in silicon bicrystal under shear. Acta Materialia. 2019 Oct 15;179:287-95.
[8] H. Chen, S. Xu, W. Li, R. Ji, T. Phan, L. Xiong, A spatial decomposition parallel algorithm for a concurrent atomistic-continuum simulator and its preliminary applications, Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 1-10.
Room: B605-2
通讯地址:江苏镇江学府路301号,江苏大学机械学院 212013