孙万 教授/博士生导师
1. 《气压与液压传动》,留学生本科课程
2. 《非线性振动力学》,研究生课程
3. 《流体力学与加载》,研究生课程
1. 国家自然科学基金项目(面上),内外流场协同作用下风致晃动俘能机制研究,2025-01 至 2028-12, 主持,在研
2. 国家自然科学青年基金项目(青基),基于尾流激振的双风向高效压电换能机理研究,2022-01 至 2024-12, 主持,结题
3. 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,新型机械重力储能系统理论模型技术协作,2024-06-19 至 2025-09-30, 主持,在研
4. 省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项,高效晶体硅电池产业化制备的核心装备,2022-01 至 2026-01, 主持,在研
5. 江苏大学高级人才启动基金,2021.06 至今, 主持,在研
6. 江苏兴锻智能装备科技有限公司,压力机力学建模关键技术研究及考虑旋转副间隙的全局动力学程序开发,2023-02- 2024-2, 主持,结题
7. 江苏兴锻智能装备科技有限公司,肘节式压力机精度提升与减振降噪关键技术研究,2022-08 至 2023-08, 主持,结题
8. 军委科技委子项目,***,2021-03-25 至 2021-10-01, 主持,结题
v 独立指导硕士研究生10余人,多人荣获研究生国家奖学金、研究生校一等奖学金、校优秀研究生及校优秀毕业生等荣誉称号。
v 课题组以培养高水平、创新型人才为目标,通过科研项目、学术研讨及创新竞赛等多种形式全面提升学生的科研能力和实践水平。
v 课题组注重团队合作与开放交流,营造融洽的学术氛围,为学生的成长与发展提供有力支持。
v SCI论文:
1. Sun Wan*, Jinlong Li, Zikang Wang, Ying Zhong, Zhongqiang Zhang, Guanggui Cheng*. A wind-direction adaptive piezoelectric energy harvester employing small wing passive control configuration. Applied Physics Letters. 2024;124:233902.(Nature Index期刊)
2. Sun Wan*, Yiheng Wang, Yang Liu, Bo Su, Tong Guo, Guanggui Cheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Jianning Ding, and Jongwon Seok*. Navigating the future of flow-induced vibration-based piezoelectric energy harvesting. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2024;201: 114624. (中科院1区期刊)
3. Yue Zhang, Guanggui Cheng, Jongwon Seok, Jianning Ding, Wan Sun*. Enhancing output performance of galloping-based energy harvesting using asymmetric bluff body. Ocean Engineering. 2024;294:116793.(中科院1区Top)
4. Bo Su, Yunxuan Wang, Jinlong Li, Tong Guo, Guanggui Cheng, Wan Sun*. A novel elastic strip suspension-based bi-directional electromagnetic wind energy harvester designed specifically for wind energy factories. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2024;208:111059.(中科院1区Top)
5. Wan Sun*, Yue Zhang, Guanggui Cheng, Shangwen He, Zhaorui Yang, Jianning Ding*. An enhanced galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvester with non-rotational bluff body. Applied Physics Letters. 2022;121:173907.(Nature index期刊)
6. Shangwen He, Qin Zhang, Zhaorui Yang*, Wan Sun*. Performance investigation of a crossing angle adjustable galloping-based energy harvester. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2022;233:107660.(中科院1区,Top期刊)
7. Wan Sun, Canzhi Guo, Guanggui Cheng, Shangwen He, Zhaorui Yang*, Jianning Ding*. Performance enhancement of galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesting by exploiting 1:1 internal resonance of magnetically coupled oscillators. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022:1-20.(中科院2区Top)
8. Wan Sun, Hyeonho Jang, Jongwon Seok*. Magnetically coupled piezoelectric galloping-based energy harvester using a tandem configuration. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021;161:107952.(中科院1区Top)
9. Sehun Jeon#, Wan Sun#, Hyeonho Jang, Jongwon Seok*. Adaptive wind energy harvester with transformable bluff body. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;238:114159.(中科院1区Top)
10. Wan Sun, Jongwon Seok *. Novel galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvester adaptable to external wind velocity. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021;152:107477.(中科院1区Top)
11. Wan Sun, Jongwon Seok *. A novel self-tuning wind energy harvester with a slidable bluff body using vortex-induced vibration. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020;205:112472. (中科院1区Top).
12. Wan Sun, Feng Guo, Jongwon Seok*. Development of a novel vibro-wind galloping energy harvester with high power density incorporated with a nested bluff-body structure. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019;197:111880.(中科院1区Top).
13. Wan Sun, Soohwan Jo, Jongwon Seok*. Development of the optimal bluff body for wind energy harvesting using the synergetic effect of coupled vortex induced vibration and galloping phenomena. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019;156:435-45. (中科院1区Top).
v 授权专利:
1. A flow-induced vibration energy harvesting device based on a non-rotational bluff body. 2024, US18/021,809, 美国
2. Efficient wind energy harvesting system with bulb sectional shape bluff body. 2020, KR102072921, 韩国.
3. Active Energy Harvester. 2016, US9520763B2, 美国.
4. Active Energy Harvester, 2015, KR101504867B1, 韩国.
5. A self-tuning wind energy harvester with a slidable bluff body based on vortex-induced vibration, 2021, KR10-2319691, 韩国.
6. Simulation program of fluid-induced vibration energy harvesting based on cantilever beam, 115071-0004394, Original, All, 2018, 韩国.
通讯地址:江苏镇江学府路301号,江苏大学机械工程学院 212013
邮 箱:sunwan@ujs.edu.cn