梁宇琛,省部级人才,金山青年特聘教授,博士生导师,工学博士,英国考文垂大学攻读汽车工程本科专业,获得一等学士学位,并获得直博资格攻读博士学位,在英国考文垂大学任讲师兼课程主管3年,在2021年1月获得英国高等教育学会(The Higher Education Academy, HEA)会士资格。
(1) Liang Y; Li W; Lu X; Wang S; Fog Computing and Convolutional Neural Network enabled Prognosis for Machining Process Optimization, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2019, 52: 3242 (IF: 12.1)
(2) Liang Y; Wang S; Li W; Lu X; Data-Driven Anomaly Diagnosis for Machining Processes. Engineering, 2019, 5(4): 646-652 (IF: 12.8)
(3) Liang Y; Lu X; Li W; Wang S ; Cyber Physical System and Big Data enabled Energy Efficient Machining Optimisation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 187(1): 46-62 (IF: 11.1)
(4) Liang Y; Li W; Lou P; Hu J : Thermal Error Prediction for Heavy-duty CNC Machines enabled by Long Short-term Memory Networks and Fog-cloud Architecture, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020, 62(1): 950-963 (IF: 12.1)
(5) Li W: Liang Y: Wang S: Data Driven Smart Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, Springer Nature. 2021 (著作)
(6) Wang S; Liang Y; Li W; Cai X ; Big Data enabled Intelligent Immune System for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 195(1): 507-520 (IF: 11.1)
(7) Li W; Liang Y; Liu Y; Failure Load Prediction and Optimisation for Adhesively Bonded Joints enabled by Deep Learning and Fruit Fly Optimisation, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022, 54: 101817 (IF: 8.8)
(1) 省部级人才计划,2023-2026,主持,在研
(2) 引才专项,2023-2026,主持,在研
(3) 金山青年特聘教授启动项目,2023-2026,主持,在研
(4) 中国博士后科学基金第74批面上资助,2023-2025,主持,在研
(5) 实验室开放基金,2024-2025,主持,在研
(6) Innovate UK, Collaborative R&D, 103539, SustAinable BiOdegradable Tooling SABOT,2017-2019,结题,参与
(7) EU FP7, EU cooperative project, PEOPLE-2013-IAPP-610675, Smarter Sustainable Manufacturing Adaptive Services with Cloud Architectures for Enterprises, 2014-2017,结题,参与
(8) The 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, EU collaborative project, FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF-609100, 0ptimised machining processes leveraging cyber-physical systems, 2013-2017,结题,参与
(9) Europese Commissie, EU collaborative project, FP7-NMP-314024, CAPP-4-SMES (Collaborative and Adaptive Process Planning for Sustainable Manufacturing Environments), 2012-2015,结题,参与
学术兼职:担任中科院一区期刊Journal of Cleaner Production、IEEE Wireless Communications审稿人,以及IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing等国际期刊的审稿人。以科学委员会专家身份被英国伯明翰大学邀请参加其联合主办的第七届自主再制造国际会议(International Workshop on Autonomous Remanufacturing,IWAR Conference)。受伯明翰大学英国皇家工程院院士D.T.Pham邀请进行Keynotespeaker演讲:Green Computing Enables Intelligent Manufacturing - A New Direction in Carbon Reduction”。