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Mechanical Engineering School Carry out Style Building Monthly Activities - Horizontal and Vertical Class Cadre Training Session

Time: 2017年11月30日 11:04 News source : Browsing number:

On November 30th, in order to strengthen the communication between class and class cadres, to further enhance the ability of class work ability, and vigorously promote the better development of college student work, recently, Pan Hongjun, deputy secretary of the Party School of Mechanical Engineering, actively advocated by the mechanical college counselors of all grades Grade units for class cadres from the horizontal and vertical aspects of a full range of training. In the horizontal direction, each squad leader, group secretary, study committee member, life member, psychological committee member, organization committee member and sports committee member are respectively trained through holding class leaders' meeting, group secretary meeting and life committee meeting. At the training meeting, all class leaders from their own work speak freely and exchanging work experience, find deficiencies and improve them. On the vertical, we held a training session for class leaders on a professional basis. The classes communicated with each other, criticized and self-criticized, and strengthened cohesion, solidarity and continuous improvement of their working abilities.

The training of horizontal and vertical class cadres at the mechanical institute has enabled the class cadres to have a deeper understanding of the future work, clarify the direction of class advancement and enhance their own sense of responsibility. The construction of team leaders is conducive to forming a good atmosphere of seeking truth from facts and seeking truth from facts in the whole hospital, and plays a positive role in promoting the study style and personnel training in our college.

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